Friday, December 7, 2012

From the moment of a Spartan girl or a boy came into the world, the military and the city state were the center of every Spartan citizen’s life. Both male and female babies were determined by city state if they were strong enough to be Spartan citizens. If the infants were too week or sick, they were abandoned in the country side to die. This was a very common thing in the Greek world because Sparta made it an official government policy.
The city of Sparta was a city in ancient Greece between 650 B.C. and 362 B.C. during the Greco-Persian Wars, situated in the southern part of the Peloponnese.
Spartans wore heavy armor even if under the sun in the summer when marching or fighting. It was harder than most of the sports and physical training. They usually had crimson, tunic and cloak and special shoes.
Sparta fell because it could not maintain an adequate number of its warrior elite similars. They relied heavily on helots to make up the numbers and these helots went from slaves to free men mercenaries.Sparta made too many enemies with all around them and had internal bickering with non elites.Spartas enemies learnt their tactics and how to beat them over decades.Militarily the tactic sending too few men makes victory impossible and death inevitable, even if its heroic Sparta did not have an adequate economic income
spartans were the most furious fighters in there time there is a story that 300 spartans took on over 100000 persians. they made a movie over this story. the movie is called 300
Sparta’s role was over by the year 362 B.C.